The concept of having a website for non-commissioned aircrew (airman aircrew) came as result of a get together, when, in 2000, past and serving members gathered at RAAF Richmond to farewell the C-130E Hercules from the Royal Australian Air Force.
It is always good to unite with old friends, but with this get together, the realisation had come that with the passage of time, sadly some had left us, and many had lost contact, therefore the aim of this site is to endeavour to keep the kinship alive.
When most of us commenced flying, personal computers were not yet developed and the concept of web sites, emails and Facebook were unheard of. We can now use these developments to enable past and present airman aircrew, as well as associates of airman aircrew, to better maintain contact. This will enable:
The current list of names has grown immeasurably to that of the initial list of 50, but there are still many holes yet to be filled particularly from within Caribous and helicopters, therefore feedback from our friends in Caribous and helicopters would be gratefully received.