12 Squadron, 30th Anniversary of Disbandment Reunion ....
Friday and Saturday 23/24 August 2019 Maroochy RSL 105
Memorial Avenue MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 |
- Friday 23 August - 1600, Cenotaph, Cotton Tree (wreath laying) for our departed mates.
- Friday 23 August - 1700-1830, Meet and Greet, Maroochy RSL (upstairs).
Saturday 24 August - 1800-1830, Reunion Dinner, Maroochy RSL (upstairs).
- Cost $80.00 per person ($50.00 dinner, $20.00 Meet and Greet, $10.00 Admin Fee).
Bank Details:
- Account Name: RAAF Reunions.
- BSB: 014740.
- Account Number: 313933661.
If paying by EFT, please ensure to identify your payment with your name. Similaly, if paying by cheque or money order, place your name on the reverse side and made payable to: S. Storer and G. Antony, Air Force Reunion Account.
Postal address: The Registrar 12 Squadron Reunion 1-4
Laceback Street MOUNTAIN CREEK QLD 4557
Attendance list as at 22 August 2019